Official web site of the PEDIGREE Project here.

"PEDestrIan GRoups : EmErgence of collective behavior through experiments, modeling and simulation"

This 3-year project (2009-2011) is supported by the french Research National Agency (ANR).

Some experiments will be realized. The data will be made available online at the end of the project.

In the frame of this project, a postdoc position is offered for one year. Please send your application if you are interested.

The project involves 4 french teams :

Institute Location Persons
IMT Toulouse Pierre Degond, Mohamed Masmoudi, Jérome Fehrenbach, Laurent Navoret
CRCA Toulouse Guy Theraulaz, Mehdi Moussaid, Mathieu Moreau
LPT Orsay Cécile Appert-Rolland
Bunraku Rennes Julien Pettre, Stéphane Donikian, Samuel Lemercier